Fredericksburg Community Orchestras to Hold Beginner Classes

FCO is excited to announce its inaugural Introduction to Orchestra class for Adults and students age 15 and up.  Those interested in playing violin, viola, cello or bass are invited to attend Sunday evenings classes at St. Barnabas Church in Fredericksburg. Cost of the course is $50 plus $15 for textbooks (available from the instructor). Students must provide their own instrument.  No prior experience is required. Limited tuition and instrument scholarships may be available to those in need.
Class will be held from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. on the following Sundays:
October 14, 21, and 28
November 4, 18, and 25
With continued interest, class will resume in the spring. Please call (806) 549-2483 or email info@fredericksburgorchestra for more information.
FCO will also continue their chamber ensemble for more advanced players. If any members of the community would like to join that group, it will meet on the above dates from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.


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